Upcoming Tour Events

Interfusion Festival 2023

“Interfusion Festival brings together the like-minded from across the US and beyond for five days of learning, healing, play and connection on MLK weekend.”

January 12-16th, 2023 | Arlington, VA

Soul Work

February 20th - 23rd, 2023 | Los Cabos, Mexico

Trauma Informed Leadership Conference

“Participants of Nurtured by Nature will have the opportunity to stretch and strengthen their minds and bodies. An amazing lecture series combined with hands on fitness practice. Yoga, Free weights, wellness walks, meditation, healthy movement all offered and the Houston Botanic Garden.”

May 2023 | Houston Botanic Garden, TX

Nurtured by Nature 2023

July 19th - 22nd 2023 | Lake George, Colorado

“ For more than 4 wondrous days and nights you will not only revel in the over 100 educational classes and workshops, you’ll experience an empowering and transformative journey like none other –– the furthering of your blossoming abilities and chosen practices, a heartful healing quest, and thus a truly powerful tale to tell.”

Good Medicine Confluence