Our work is a portal to thriving, inner peace, and vitality. Together we will unshackle the lasting effects of trauma. You are the medicine: the key to contentment and wellbeing is in your nervous system and in cultivating the witness or SELF.
Do you go from 0 to 60 over nothing? Experience anxiety? Do you feel depressed? Is sleep a challenge? Do you over eat? Racing thoughts? Often feel out of control when you snap at your children or spouse and wish there was another way? Are you experiencing addictive behavior?
Do you often feel stuck in a rut? Do you notice habits and patterns, protective strategies, and coping mechanisms you wish you could shift but don’t seem to be able to?
Through our soul guiding sessions, you will learn how these are all symptoms of a dysregulated nervous system or a protector part. This doesn’t have to be your life any more. We will learn simple tools to self-regulate the nervous system and release bound up traumatic stress.
I am an amazing trauma therapist. But our work doesn’t end there. Whilst my training supports me in guiding you from crisis to stability, our landmark is living a thriving, deeply present, purpose-filled life. Welcome to your personalized invitation to become who you came here to be.
Together we will bring awareness to shadow behaviors + managing strategies + protective coverings, and learn what lies beneath. With great care we will unburden the wounded parts, heal traumatic events, and re-constellate self-limiting belief patterns.
This work is not easy, but it is worth it. As what happens within changes the outer expression of who we are, and what we understand life to be.
It will be my honor to be your companion in this soulful journey.